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Avhandlingar 2024
Inger Nilsen, Dietist- och Logopedverksamhet Dalarna
Glucose – friend and foe: Glucose alterations and dietary intake in patients undergoing bariatric surgery
Andreas Rydell, Vårdcentral Norslund-Svärdsjö, Falun
From Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and
Sara Hogmark, Kvinnosjukvård Dalarna
Meeting the needs of women - provision of long-acting reversible contraception at the time of abortion
Maria Hjorth, Medicin Falun
Daily Experiences and Perceived Quality of Care in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis
Björn Ahlström, Operation Anestesi IVA Falun
The epidemiology of risk factors and short- and long-term outcome in the Swedish intensive care cohort
Avhandlingar 2023
Viktor Månsson, Division Psykiatri och habilitering Falun
Healthcare when the bets are off: Symptoms, Trajectories and Treatment of individuals with Gambling disorder
Rebecka Paul, Kirurgi Falun
Obesity and Effects of Bariatric Surgery - with a Certain Focus on Women's Health
My Blohm, Kirurgi Mora
Treatment of cholelithiasis and acute cholecystitis : surgical safety in gallstone surgery
Avhandlingar 2022
Valgerdur Sigurdardottìr, Specialistläkare Reumatologkliniken, Falun
Gout - epidemiological studies on work outcomes, airborne risk factors and treatment patterns
Riccardo Lo Martire, Centrum för klinisk forskning Falun
Sickness absence among chronic pain patients in Swedish specialist healthcare
Karin Roos Ljungberg, Vårdcentral Gagnef /Djurås
Secretory Autoantibodies in Rheumatoid Arthritis
Avhandlingar 2021
Sara Fischer, Kirurgi Falun
Sagittal synostosis – surgical outcomes and long-term follow-up
Andreas Brännström, Operation Anestesi IVA Falun
Translational studies on mechanical hemostasis and coagulopathy in trauma
Ruth S Hermansson, Institutionen för kvinnors och barns hälsa Uppsala
Self-sampling by elderly women for the detection of HPV and cervical dysplasia
Avhandlingar 2020
Folkhälsovetare Junia Joffer
Health for future: self-rated health and social status among adolescents
Avhandlingar 2019
Sjuksköterska Camilla Göras
Open the door to complexity: Safety climate and work processes in the operating room
Avhandlingar 2018
Sjuksköterska Susanne Börjesson Hellerstedt
Taxane-induced pain: Experiences of women with breast cancer and nurses providing their care
Sjuksköterska Berit Gesar
The recovery process after a hip fracture of healthy patients, 65 years and older - perceptions, abilities, and strategies
Sjukhusfysiker Hans-Erik Källman
Dose Management in Diagnostic Radiology - application of the DICOM imaging standard and a Monte Carlo dose engine for exposure surveillance
Barnsjuksköterska Jenny Ericson
Breastfeeding in mothers of preterm infants: Prevalence and effects of support
Avhandlingar 2017
ST-läkare Lina Bergman
Cerebral biomarkers in Women with Preeclampsia
Specialistläkare Susanne Hesselman
Caesarean Section: Short- and long-term maternal complications
Distriktsläkare Lars Carlsson
Healthcare and patient factors affecting sick leave: From a primary health care perspective
Avhandlingar 2016
Överläkare Anders Lindblom
Spotted Fever Rickettsioses in Sweden Aspects of Epidemiology, Clinical Manifestations and Co-infections (pdf, 66 sidor)
Sjukgymnast Carina Hagman
Dysfunctional breathing: Clinical characteristics and treatment
Överläkare Maria Annerbo
Calcium Homeostasis in Patients with Graves' Disease
Gyula Pekar
Breast cancer: Multifocality, heterogeneity, and related genetic signatures
Tandhygienist Kristina Edman
Epidemiological studies of Oral Health, development and influencing factors in the county of Dalarna, Sweden 1983–2013
Avhandlingar 2015
Överläkare Raghad Samir
Tissue tumor marker expression in normal cervical tissue and in cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, for women who are high risk human papilloma virus infection, smokers, contraceptive users or in fertile age
Tandläkare Gunilla Pousette Lundgren
Early restorative rehabilitation of children and adolescents with amelogenesis imperfecta
Överläkare Ulf Hållmarker
Epidemiological Studies on Long Distance Cross-Country Skiers: Participants in the Vasaloppet 1955-2010
Barnmorska Ulrika Byrskog
’Moving On’ and Transitional Bridges: Studies on migration, violence and wellbeing in encounters with Somali-born women and the maternity health care in Sweden
ST-läkare David Iggman
Dietary Fatty Acids and Cardiometabolic Risk - Influence on Lipoproteins, Insulin Resistance and Liver Fat
Överläkare Daniel Sjöberg
The Inflammatory Bowel Disease Cohort of the Uppsala Region (ICURE) : Epidemiology and Complications
Sjuksköterska Ann-Sofie Källberg
Patient safety in the emergency department : errors, interruptions and staff experience (pdf, 70 sidor)
Avhandlingar 2014
Kardiolog Kristina Hambraeus
From Stenting to Preventing : Invasive and Long-term Treatment for Coronary Artery Disease in Sweden
ST-läkare Maria Hårdstedt
Studies of Innate and Adaptive Immunity in Islet Transplantation
Reumatolog Anna Svärd
Circulating and Mucosal Antibodies to Citrullinated Antigens in Rheumatoid Arthritis
Avhandlingar 2013
Gynekolog Jan Wesström
Sleep Related Movement Disorders - Association with Menopause and Pregnancy
Kirurg Sverker Svensjö
Screening for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
Karin Elfving
Epidemiological and Bacteriological Aspects of Spotted Fever Rickettsioses in Humans, Vectors and Mammals in Sweden
Sjuksköterska Maud Karlsson
Bry sig om - Ett vårdvetenskapligt praxisbegrepp
Avhandlingar 2012
Kurator Camilla Udo
Existential issues in surgical care. Nurses' experiences and attitudes in caring for patients with cancer (pdf, 78 sidor)
Avhandlingar 2011
Sjukgymnast Margareta Adolfsson
"Applying the ICF-CY to identify everyday life situations of children and youth with disabilities"
Sjukgymnast Catharina Gustavsson
"Self-management of Persistent Neck Pain. A Multi-component Group Intervention in Primary Health Care"
Avhandlingar 2010
Gynekolog Annika Lindström
Prognostic factors for squamous cell cervical cancer: tumor markers, hormones, smoking, and S-phase fraction
Gynekolog Corinne Pedroletti
Tension-free Vaginal Tape at a Medium Sized Hospital in Sweden: Short- and Long-term Results in Different Patient Groups
Sjuksköterska Lena Olai
"Life after a Stroke Event"
Reumatolog Britt-Marie Nyhäll-Wåhlin
"Extra-articular Rheumatoid Arthritis Risk Factors and Consequences"
Susanne Römsing
"Development and Validation of Bioanalytical Methods: Application to Melatonin and Selected Anti-Infective Drugs"
Eva Österlund Efraimsson
"Communication in Smoking Cessation and Self-Management - A Study at Nurse-led COPD-clinics in Primary Health Care"
Avhandlingar 2009
Sjukgymnast Cecilia Rastad
"Winter Fatigue and Winter Depression: Prevalence and Treatment with Bright Light"
Arbetsterapeut Gunnel Janeslätt
"Time for time : Assessment of time processing ability and daily time management in children with and without disabilities"
Avhandlingar 2008
Distriktsläkare Karin Lisspers
"Organisation of Asthma in Primary Care, Quality of Life and Sex-related Aspects in Asthma Outcomes"
Distriktsläkare Nils Rodhe
"Asymptomatic Bacteriuria in the Elderly"
Ortoped Anders Henricson
"Total Knee Arthroplasty - Aspects on improved fixation in the younger patient"
Barnläkare Barbro Hedin Skogman
"Neuroborreliosis in Childhood - Clinical, Immunological and Diagnostic Aspects" (pdf, 104 sidor)
Avhandlingar 2007
Distriktsläkare Lars Jerdén
"Health-promoting health services: Personal health documents and empowerment"
Barnsjuksköterska Renée Flacking
"Breastfeeding and Becoming a Mother: Influences and Experiences of Mothers of Preterm Infants"
Överläkare Lars Holmberg
"Health, Risk-Taking behavior and Sexuality in Swedish Adolescents"
Psykolog Per Söderberg och Stefan Tungström
"Outcome in psychiatric outpatient services: reliability, validity and outcome based on routine assessments with the GAF scale"
Sjuksköterska Marie Elf
"Modelling of Care Processes"
Avhandlingar 2006
Barnmorska Erica Schytt
"Women's health after childbirth"
Överläkare Eva-Britta Råssjö
"Sexual Behaviour and Sexually Transmitted Infections Among Urban Ugandan Youth - Perceptions, Attitudes and Management"
Överläkare Helena Laurell
"Acute Abdominal Pain"
Avhandlingar 2005
Kirurg Helgi Örn Jóhannsson
"Haemorrhoids - Aspects of Symtoms and Results after Surgery"
Kirurg Johanna Österberg
"Inflammatory Reactions in Peritonitis and Malignant Obstructive Jaundice"
Avhandlingar 2004
Distriktsläkare Malin André
"Rules of Thumb and Management of Common Infections in General Practice"
Avhandlingar 2003
Barnläkare Lillemor Berntson
"Juvenile idiopathic arthritis in the Nordic countries"
Gynekolog Tomas Riman
"An epidemiologic study of epithelial ovarian malignancies: With a focus on hormonerelated factors"
Ortoped Hanne Hedin
"External Fixation of Femoral Fractures in Children. Clinical, radiological and functional outcome and cost analysis"
Barnläkare Björn Westrup
"Developmentally suppportive neonatal care". A study of the Newborn Individualized Development Care and Assessment Program (NIDCAP) in Swedish settings
Avhandlingar 2002
Ortoped Peter Fritzell
"Fusion for Chronic Low Back Pain"
Infektionsläkare Kenneth Nilsson
"Rickettsia Helvetica"